Small Actions is a novella short film that pays tribute to the iconic 1970s BMW E12. A film by Porteus Xandau.
Addiction arises out of disconnectedness. A film by Porteus Xandau. Featuring Milton Schorr.
Countdown to EFC 72: Van Staden vs Mazany. Written, directed and produced by Milton Schorr for efcworldwide.
‘The Fighter: Season 2’ 10 part MMA reality television show for EFCWorldwide, directed by Milton Schorr. Watch the full series here.
A dark comedy about a boy who wants revenge. Starring Louw Venter, Mark Elderkin & Andrew Laubscher. Written and directed by Milton Schorr.
Promo video for a theatre project about a man-sized baby. Starring Adrian Collins, Vicovia Nzimela and Luvuyo Gaji.
Milton Schorr demo reel, including performances from Tomb Raider and Resident Evil: The Final Chapter.
‘Where Giants Are Made’ Promo for EFC Worldwide, written & directed by Milton Schorr.
‘The Dreamer’ - TVC for Restonic South Africa, written and directed by Milton Schorr with Welela Films.
The stylings of Roy Douglas, life coach extraordinaire, a comic sketch idea with Sketchbook Studios
Ari Kruger’s latest video for Jack Parow under Little Big Productions. That’s Milton Schorr as the main bad guy, the one with the cool Vanilla Ice hair.
A comic short film about a very angry, very short little man. Written and directed by Milton Schorr. Starring Rob Van Vuuren, Garth Breytenbach & George Jackos.
Writer Milton Schorr takes on MMA legend Don Madge in an epic three round battle. Brutal…