A one act play about getting lost. First performed at The Artscape Theatre Centre starring Deon Lotz, Deidre Wolhuter, Travis Snyders and Jason Potgieter. Pics

A strange story about Mr Pietish and his band of forgotten cult followers.

A cyber story of the past, present and future set in Cape Town, South Africa.

A one act play about refusing to give up. First performed at the Intimate Theatre, Starring Brendan Murray, Jeremy September and Francis Marek.

An urban train tale of drugs, gangs, and friendship.

A short film about a letter from a brother in wartime.

An improvised theatre show devised by myself, Brendan Murray, Andrew Laubscher and Adrian Collins.

A diary account of a year long battle with TB.

A court room, tragic tale starring Satan and Dr Ivan Ded.

A play in three short acts about being yourself and just getting on with it.

A sea-side tale of mountains, moths, and boarding houses set in Muizenburg, South Africa.